As Strong As the Woman Next To Me
Torn between eating a snack and being a snack
A Black Woman Created This
Spades Hand MESS
Bad chick with a bald head, living life
Coretta + Martin
Mean Mug Sweatshirt
This woman make sh*t happen
My uterus has a body, with a brain, that can make its own decisions
Cute AF Sleeveless Crop Top
Respectfully, I'm from Brooklyn
Be brave teacher
Go Philly Champs Eagles
I'll knock ALL this sh*t over!
Travel Mental Health
No Mess Formed Against Me Oversized Sweatshirt
Minding my own mess for the next four years. - Black women
Angry Black Woman
Voted on the right side of history
Note to self: Don't tolerate no MESS
Part of the 92%
I am blessed, in spite of all the mess.
OMW to therapy... brb.
Long story short
Be your eyeconic mess. Be Eyeconic x MESS
Joy is one contagious mess. Dressed in joy x mess.
Don't rush your mess. Ron Bass x MESS
Respectfully, I'm vegan.
100% Black- Owned
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